מי אנחנו
The IMAGO Association (founded in 2008) represents scholars and students in the Humanities who are interested in the visual culture, arts, architecture, aesthetics, and theories of arts in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period.
The Association’s Board and Chairperson are elected for a two-year term of office. The Board of Directors and
Chairperson, together with the hosting university, are
responsible for the association’s annual meetings.
עמותת אימגו (נוסדה ב-2008) מייצגת חוקרים וסטודנטים מתחום מדעי הרוח שממחקרם עוסק בתרבות חזותית, אמנויות, אדריכלות, אסתטיקה ותיאוריות של אמנות בימי הביניים והעת החדשה המוקדמת.
ועד יושב ראש העמותה נבחרים לכהונה בת שנתיים. אחריות לארגון הכנס נתונה בידי ועד העמותה ונציג/י המוסד המארח באותה
שנה. פורום זה מחליט במשותף על נושא הכנס, מפרסם קול קורא, בוחן ובוחר את ההצעות לכנס וקובע את התכנית שלו.
אסיפה שנתית
האסיפה השנתית של העמותה מתקיימת במהלך הכנס. באסיפה יו“ר אימגו מדווח על פעילות העמותה בשנה החולפת.

Association Board
Since 2023
Main Board

Jochai Rosen
University of Haifa

Zvi Orgad
Bar-Ilan University

Neta Debora Haggai Aranyi
University of Haifa

Orly Amit
Tel Aviv University

Bar Leshem
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Audit Commitee

Masha Goldin
University of Basel

Marganit (Niti) Cassapu
Ben-Gurion University
of the Negev
Assaf Pinkus (Chairperson)
Anastasia Keshman
Katrin Kogman-Appel
Mati Meyer
Margo Stroumza-Uzan
Mati Meyer (Chairperson)
Assaf Pinkus
Katrin Kogman-Appel
Sara Offenberg
Naama Shulman
Katrin Kogman-Appel (Chairperson)
Sara Offenberg
Naama Shulman
Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby
Renana Bartal
Ilia Rodov (Chairperson)
Neta Bodner Bar Yosef
Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby
Renana Bartal
Mati Meyer (Chairperson)
Neta Bodner Bar Yosef
Assaf Pinkus
Dafna Nissim
Leor Jacobi
Main Board:
Gil Fishhof (Chairperson)
Margo Stroumza-Uzan
Leor Jacobi
Mazi Kuzi
Audit Committee:
Alex Ripp
Michal Ozeri
Main Board:
Gil Fishhof (Chairperson)
Zvi Orgad
Jochai Rosen
Mazi Kuzi
Masha Goldin
Audit Committee:
Alex Ripp
Bar Leshem
Marganit (Niti) Cassapu
Orly Amit
Department of Art History, Tel Aviv University
Atara Bar-Eli
Renana Bartal
Department of Art History, Tel Aviv University
Sara Benninga
Tel-Aviv University | Bezalel Academy of Art and Design
Research Interests: 16th and 17th Century Art in the Low Countries
Marganit (Niti) Cassapu
The Department of Arts, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Research Interests: Early Medieval Insular Art and Archaeology (Ireland and the U.K)
chickum@gmail.com | cassapum@post.bgu.ac.il
Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby
The Department of the Arts, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Research Interests: Italian Art and Literature
Rivka Ben-Sasson
Neta Bodner Bar Yosef
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Gil Fishhof
Department of Art History, Haifa University
Research Interests: French Romanesque and Crusader Art
Masha Goldin
Research Interests: Medieval Art
Sivan Gottlieb
Art History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Leor Jacobi
Department of Jewish Art, Bar-Ilan University
Research Interests: Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts, Rabbinic Literature, Falconry, Hebrew Manuscripts in Girona Bookbindings
Anastasia Keshman
Katrin Kogman-Appel
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster
Mazi Kuzi
Department of Art History, Tel Aviv University
Shulamit Laderman
Schechter Institute for Jewish Studies in Jerusalem | Department of Jewish Art, Bar-Ilan University
Mati Meyer
Department of Literature, Language and Arts, The Open
University of Israel
Research Interests: Byzantine Art and Culture, Visual Culture, Visual Aesthetics, Illuminated Manuscripts, Iconography of the Bible, Cultural and Emotion Studies, Gender and Reception Theories
Shachar Machlev
Dafna Nissim
Department of the Arts, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Research Interests: Devotional Art in France and the Netherlands, Emotional Response to Works of Art
Sara Offenberg
Department of the Arts, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Research Interest: Jewish Art and Literature
Zvi Orgad
Department of Jewish Art, Bar-Ilan University
Michal Ozeri
Tel-Aviv University
Research Interests: Northern Italian Giant Wall Paintings
Assaf Pinkus
Department of Art History, Tel Aviv University
Batia Rachmilewitz
Alex Ripp
Department of Art History, Tel Aviv University
Research Interests: Italian Duecento and Trecento Art
Ilia Rodov
Department of Jewish Art, Bar-Ilan University
Jochai Rosen
Department of Art History, University of Haifa
Research Interests: Early Modern Dutch and Flemish Art, Genre Painting, Soldiers in Art, Israeli Photography, Israeli Art
Idit Sagiv
Department of Art History, Tel-Aviv University
Guy Shaked
Department of Jewish Art, Bar-Ilan University
Research Interests: Medieval Jewish Art, Jewish Art, Art History, Musicology
Meital Shay
Tel-Aviv University
Research Interests: Italian Renaissance, 16th century
Ephraim (Effie) Shoham-Steiner
Jewish History Department, Ben-Gurion University
Naama Shulman
Or Vallah
Division of Art History, University of Washington